Have humans who thrive at work. Reduce turnover. Be a Talent Magnet.

We measure the biggest factor in creating a healthy environment for organizational success: Leadership. With lightweight regular assessments evaluating for modern leadership and talent and retention characteristics, you receive regular actionable insights to make change. 

Do you worry about how much turnover is costing you?

The cost of replacing people who leave is 1.5 to 2x their salary. | Gallup 2016

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SEE where you stand with Clear Actionable Insights.

At regular intervals we sample and report so you can see the big picture, what’s changing, and focus on the clear insights for meaningful action. Rather than give you a static 100 page report to decipher, decode and debrief, we give you a dynamic report that leaders can understand instantly and act on collectively. Principle: Simplicity & depth.

People leave leaders. Only 12% leave for money. | Gallup 2015

ACT, adapt and win through Micro Changes.

Successful adapting as humans is about tiny steps. Your leaders can action insights in small steps immediately with each regular reporting interval. We leverage neuroscience for leaders to integrate these micro actions into their day to day, rather than a big “extra thing” to figure out “someday”. Micro changes repeatedly over time make Macro impact. Principle: Enable Action, not just talk.

Leadership accounts for 70% of the variability in employee engagement. | Gallup 2014

LEVERAGE your results to Retain and Attract great people.

You’re operating in a complex, uncertain world. Share your results with the world so people know how important it is to you to continually develop great leaders for a healthy organization. Our science-backed, statistically validated assessment can give you confidence and help your leaders get better and better. Principle: Be Magnetic.

Organizations with great leadership and therefore high engagement, earn 147% more earnings per share than their competitors. | Gallup 2013

Make the invisible, visible.

It’s not good enough to hope for the best, that’s hopium. We can help you see where you stand, attract & retain top talent, and figure it out. Let’s talk about what you might need.

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Let’s enable leaders the insights to create environments where humans thrive and organizations succeed.

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